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Our Vision​


Large number of missionaries never return to the mission field after their first furlough because they are too tired and burned out. Hundreds of pastors leave ministry each month because of stress and pressure. So many wasted years of preparation and dashed dreams and hopes! But more importantly, so many devastated lives! All these people felt a calling of God on their lives but did not have enough support and care to continue. Our heart is to help fill that need by offering a place for rest.

Shekinah Ranch owns 35 acres and the McDavids own adjacent 70 acres at 8,600 feet, in the Colorado Rockies, about 60 miles northwest of Denver. Seventy percent of the land is forest, and the rest beautiful alpine meadows. Little Cabin Creek runs through the property, to a catch-and-release fishing pond. Elk, deer, moose, foxes and coyotes reside in the area.

Our desire is to share the beauty and blessing with those who have grown weary on the battlefield. As much as possible, each cabin will be built out of sight of other cabins. We envision no programs.

We want Shekinah Ranch to be a place of rest, renewal, restoration and vision; a place where those in the fires of the front lines can withdraw from the battle to be in the presence of God. The beauty, peace and majesty of God manifested through nature at this location is its prime asset. Those using Shekinah Ranch will find a place of rest in the Lord: "...and after the fire a sound of a gentle blowing" (1. Kings 19:23b NASB). The solitude provided is conducive to study of the Word, prayer and meditation.

As guests spend time with God, they will find peace and new strength, and will be renewed in their vision. They will be able to face life's challenges and return to the ministry. People they minister to will be blessed. Shekinah, the presence of God's glory will thus spread from the Rocky Mountains of Colorado to the ends of the earth!

Byers Peak Oct 2017.jpg





Vision received and name given



Shekinah Ranch incorporated



Began the process for water rights



Maintenance building construction began



Road to cabin area commenced 
Shop interior completed/office framed 
Land deeded for phase 1



Architect drawings for cabins 
Building permit application submitted 
Property tax exemption granted 
Power line and conduit for fiber optic buried 
Well permit under review


Well permit issued and well dug 
Building permit issued 
Water lines buried 
Road roughed in to the first cabin



Cabin 1 construction



Cabin 1 was finished

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Our Principles


  • Shekinah Ranch will be a place for those in ministry to come apart from the pressures of ministry for spiritual renewal.

  • Every effort will be made to keep the costs down. 

  • Shekinah Ranch will be available to Christians in full-time ministry. A reference may be required.

  • Shekinah Ranch is a non-profit organization, governed by a Board, with no majority from one group, and autonomous in its operations.

  • Building of cabins will be funded by donations. The land has been donated for the first phase. 

  • Shekinah Ranch will under no circumstances incur debt.

  • Should Shekinah Ranch ministry cease, the property should be sold and money given to a similar ministry, by a unanimous decision of the Board of Directors.


Our Statement of Faith​

  1. We believe that there is one God, who has revealed Himself as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

  2. We believe in the Bible as the inspired and infallible Word of God.

  3. We believe that Jesus died for our sins on the cross and rose from the dead, and that to be saved we need to repent and receive the gift of eternal life by faith in Jesus.

  4. We believe in the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

  5. We believe marriage is between one man and one woman as defined in the Bible.

  6. We believe in the Church as the body of believers who have put their trust in Jesus Christ.

  7. We believe that Jesus will one day return for His own.


Please click here for Biblical references


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Shekinah Ranch

PO Box 1191 

Tabernash, CO 80478

tel: 970.726.4494 | email:

© Shekinah Ranch | Photos by Mari McDavid

Website by | non-profit division

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